Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Beginning

After a little thought, I decided to switch blogging sites. I kinda like the setup of this one better.

I think the interest I have in blogging is that I have lots of thoughts that I want to write down and incorporate later in life. That and I like to write about things so that people can get an inkling as to what I'm thinking and a perspective from the way that I see things.


In one word. Rough. Lately I've just felt like I'm missing something. Like I'm running a marathon that has no end and no purpose. For the last week, it has been non-stop sleep, study, school, work, sleep, study, school, work. Not much for down time, but for as much as I like to keep busy, it has just seemed like too much. I want to know that I'm capable of handling it, but sometimes, especially this last week has been really hard to. Being up for over 20 hours, then sleeping for 3 and goin for another 20+ hour day is hard. I've heard that working nights will take a toll and make people look so unhealthy looking. I'm starting to wonder if that's where I'm at and starting to look ragged. I hope not.

It's been a rough couple days at work and I'm glad that a break is in sight. I also know that not many people (by their own admittance) wouldn't be able to function well at my job. I work as a police dispatcher. I'm frequently asked what that entails, but it's really hard to summarize. I do a little bit of everything. I read a book once on 911 operators. There was a quote in there that really stuck with me. It said something along the lines of, "I may have heard your name, but you never heard mine. I may recognize the address of the house you walk into, but you don't know my face. I may have heard you pleading for help, but you don't hear my voice. I don't necessarily want to know people's secrets, I just do." This kind of hit me in an inspirational way. I'm okay with never meeting the people on the other end of the phone, but do like to know that I helped them when they needed it.

Moving to my next adventure. In my ever growing quest to do what I can to help people, I joined the Peace Corps. I don't know yet where exactly I'll be going, but I've been told it's Sub-Saharan Africa in November. I'm so excited! I'm really hoping to find out soon so I can giggle at the fact that I'm moving out of the country to bound head and heart into a new thrilling journey.

Until then, I'm going to live as best I can. To the most extreme happiness. To the most loving warmth. To the most. I want to live to the point of tears. (It's okay, I'm not afraid of crying.)

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