Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I hate hate HATE leaving. It is so hard to say goodbye.

That's my first update. Kind of. I've "officially" moved back to Wisconsin. Or, at least I permanently get my mail sent there. I knew that it would be hard to leave, but I never quite realized how hard. Makes sense though. And I might as well get used to it, I mean, I'm leaving the country.... THAT'S RIGHT! I got my Peace Corps Medical Clearance today!!!

Granted, that is just one more step in the everlasting process to be invited to another country, but it is a big one. It means that my file is now being passed on to the Placement Officers out there to match me to a country. I actually just talked to one of the Reps in the area and he gave me some hope too, but also reminded me that the PC is starting to cut back in huge numbers. So now I rest in limbo yet again, but in a different place. Just waiting again.

I want to also comment on another person. I am hurt by their immaturity and childish attitudes, but I've come to terms with the fact that not everyone is my friend to just be my friend. It would seem that even those you've been close to for years are merely on a mission to get something in return other than just friendship. I can't say that I appreciate the drunk dialing at 1, 3, AND 4 in the morning. Go out and get stupid. Go out and do whatever you want to prove to yourself that you are the better person, but please, don't prove yourself to me by calling me and hanging up at the most unreal hours of the morning. Get a grip and grow up.

And I'm looking for inspiration for my Sunday School class. And looking for jobs. And looking to relax. And looking to spend time with my loved ones. Work in progress.

Work in progress.

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