Wednesday, March 4, 2009

All Moved In

It's official. Well, maybe not yet, but it will be. Tomorrow I change my address for the last time in hopefully a long time. I'm moved back and all sorts of jumbled, but I think this is really gonna work!

I'm pretty sure the post office hates me though. In July, I transfered my mailing address to my Love's apartment. Then in October, I changed it to my parents' house. Now I'm back to living with my Love and need to make it permanent.... I'm sure the post office is confused.

Other updates:

-I saw our wedding rings for the first time today! I LOVE them so much. My Love did an excellent job picking them out. I knew he would. He's awesome about that sort of thing!

-I got an email about the Africa mission trip. I'm still not sure where that sits. Hopefully a few more weeks of prayers will enlighten me.

-I'm waiting to hear back about a job. It makes me nervous, but I really need a job and I'm really excited about this one.

Other than that, I've been tagged in a photo blog of sorts and I'm trying to decide what photo to use. I know that's cheating. I'll work on that blog next.

1 comment:

stillarockstar said...

WELCOME to the neighborhood...for good this time. ;P