Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I feel like I'm lacking a bit of inspiration today.

So, this cup of coffee is it.

My husband and I purchased this batch of coffee when we were in Costa Rica on our honeymoon. As I was cleaning today, I came across some more honeymoon pictures that had become a little displaced from the rest. That was such an amazing trip for us. I'm not sure that any of the places that we went would be permanent homes for us; WAY too humid in the rainforest and TOO busy and closed off in the city. But, still a fabulous trip.

That's the other thing that's been on my mind lately. Taking another trip. The weather is making it REALLY hard to want to stay here. Sewing and coffee keep me warm and entertained, but I'd like to spend time somewhere else. The scenery here is starting to get tiring. All I see is snow, fog, and life in black and white. It is time for some color.

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