Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sneak Peek

Even though I don't have any "big" projects to share, the little ones are just as interesting. Husband had his weekend and came up with more projects for me to make and editions to ones we've already created.

The first one was the TT 2.1. That's right, it has a name. Just some minor adjustments to the original that make it more durable, more fail-safe, and yeah, more durable. I think the intent was to make something that had would be able to be used one-handed, but I'm pretty sure that no matter what you do, you'd need more than one hand to make it functional.

The second project was harder for me to comprehend. I know what a rifle is. I know what a magazine for a rifle is. It is just hard for me to come up with a design for a pouch that will contain a magazine that is safe, sturdy, and easy to use in a tough situation. Enter: Ammo Pouch.

Hint: the scraps at the top are from my new project. It is just taking me a little longer to complete.

AND, I'm only finishing this blog after I sat down to write it and then after Husband came and curled up with me in which we both proceeded to nap for an hour. I love naps in the afternoon with Husband.

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