Saturday, May 17, 2008

From The Gentleman At The Bar...

According to U.S. News, my car color says that I'm a person with a sunny disposition, I'm moderately below average in my confidence level, and I have fairly pronounced mood swings.

This may be right, especially with the way things have been going in my life lately. Moody beyond control, lacking confidence in most everything I do and freakishly cheery despite everything else. Yep. Sounds like me.

Today has been spent doing nothing. I actually only got one big thing accomplished and it is something I've wanted to do for awhile now. I spoke to a jeweler about getting a custom piece of jewelry done. I'm excited now because all the ideas are finally on paper and are going to become a reality.

The only other thing that I've managed to do today is one load of laundry, lots of web surfing, and a few naps inbetween episodes of House. I'm not sure why, but I like that show. I can appreciate the mad sarcasm that it has to offer.

I also learned today how fois gras is made which is incredibly wrong and disgusting and that lobsters can feel pain so cooking them live is why PETA is against lobster-eaters.

So that's it. Random.

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