I really don't know why or what I'm feeling. I have a mix of things starting with the inner conflict of knowing I should go to bed and the urge to stay up and read my homework and be a good student.
I'm also fighting the inner battle of being happy and sad. I want to be happy, but I'm not extremely happy about anything at this second. Just calm. So I'm neither happy or sad.
The thought-provoking concept for the night is as follows:
If you study psychology and short term memory (STM), you'll learn that the majority of people can only remember an average of 7 thoughts in their STM. Seven digits of a phone number ring any bells? Apparently anything shorter than that isn't memorable and anything more than that is too much to process. Thus, when writing professionally, you are supposed to write sentences with 11 words. Why 11? Because it's just the right length to make a sentence with meaningful words and contain just a few fillers. I think I write more than that. Or less. Haha. I guess I don't think in long, drawn out sentences. Maybe my attention span can't handle anything other than a short term thought....
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