Monday, May 5, 2008

A Weekend To Remember?

So, I thought that this last weekend was going to be terrible. I was going to do something I thought I'd never do and I wasn't scared for it itself, but more for the physical pain that might come with it. In fact, I think I was most scared because of what everyone else had said would be painful, both mentally and physically. Rumors are terrible. They are wrong. And in my case? I'm glad they were wrong. I can't say I felt much, and if that means I'm cold-hearted, I'm sorry. I felt what I did was right for all the right reasons.

The weekend went off without a hitch, or so I'm pretty sure and I'm feeling pretty good about myself.

I know that eventually I'll forget about this. It will eventually be something that I won't be thinking about. I'm kind of sad knowing I'll forget the magnitude of this, but I hope that the small inkling of memory will remind me to do the right things for my future and for everyone elses'.

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