Sunday, May 24, 2009

Hmm... Con't?

"I hope I never become so used to the world that it no longer seems wonderful." - Ashleigh Brilliant

Not long after I wrote my last entry, I recieved a card with this quote on it. Seemingly perfect and a good combination.

I've been having some of those random, unexplained moments in time that make me worry, stressed, and a complete hazard to be around. I know that a lot of it is stress at work and while I was pretty confident that I'd figured out what I needed to do about that, I realized today that it might not have worked to my advantage.

I started realizing that in my poor attitude, I was really starting to drag not only myself down, but those around me that I love and care about. That's a bad sign.

I was able to speak to my supervisor, and while I'm not happy about a lot of other events at work, I was able to switch to a much smaller work-load. Hopefully, this will give me the opportunity to take care of the last of the wedding planning and all the housework I've been neglecting.

As for the inspirational quote at the beginning?

I was given that card just as I was realizing that I was losing sight of all the wonderful things in this world. It really is easy to be so used to something, that you forget the magnitude of it. While the world as a whole is hard to lose, all the little pieces of it that are a part of our lives can get lost in the everyday grind that wears us down. By merely trudging through life, we manage to forget all the wonderful things.

I never want to forget those. :)

Sunday, May 17, 2009


"If the wonder is gone when the truth is known, then there never really was any wonder."

I like this quote. I think it brings a little bit of reality to a lot of things. If most of the things we wonder about, hold interest with, and are curious about lose their impressive magnitude as soon as we know the details of what is going on, then it wasn't worth the curiosity, was it?

I guess it also shows that the things that are truly wonderful will never lose their wonder; no matter what happens.

And I like thinking that. There are so many things that ARE truly wonderful and I'm proud to say I've got plenty in my life already. :D

I like thinking like that.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Stress Is Overrated

I love hanging out with my family. They make me happy and I miss seeing them everyday. It was very good this weekend to see them, hang out, and just be in the same place as they were even if it was just for a few hours.

That's about it.

I spent a great weekend with my family and I miss them. Almost a little homesick.

Friday, May 8, 2009



In less than 100 days, I'll be married to the love of my life. YAY!

I went grocery shopping about an hour ago to get food and snack for the family that is coming to visit tonight. I haven't seen them in over a month, so yes, I'm totally excited.

When I got home from grocery shopping there was a lovely brown box at the door with my name on it. And what was in it you might ask? Absolutely all of the paper for the wedding invites, RSVP cards, programs, etc. I felt like I had ordered a TON of paper, but in all reality, it fit into a fairly small box. Wonderfully packaged, too. I have to mention here that I was also really excited when I purchased it that I got such a rockin' discount on it. Shipping was steep because it's heavy cardstock, but the grand total was under $100.

I also got my wedding shoes a couple days ago. It is about time for me to start getting really antsy and excited!

I got the weekend off. By a freak chance of events, I didn't get called in to work tonight, I got tomorrow night off (but could still get called in), and got Sunday off too. I'm sure some people might not be entirely happy with me for it, but with family in town, and the fact that I haven't had a solid day off since I started, I took the chance.

It's been super rainy it seems like. Which is okay with me as long as I get to watch the lightening with my Love. Thunderstorms hold a special place in both of our hearts.

My bruises from work are almost all gone. A big, roaring kudos goes out to my chiropractor for introducing me to this new fandangled invention that will wisk away a deep bruise in a mere couple days. I need to buy it in bulk. Haha.

I keep thinking of things from work that are HILARIOUS to put up here, but they really only makes sense if you A) knew my co-workers, and B) knew my clients. Oh, well.

On a not so happy side of life, I toss some hope and prayers to my Love's family. It seems that a wave of serious love and support is needed for them to overcome the illnesses that have floated their way. I love you guys and anything you need, I'm here.

I think that is about it for now. All I have left to do is sit and wait for family to come!

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Ok, so my apologies for the gap in blogging. Funny thing is, I keep up with most everyone else's, but not my own.

Things have been pretty hectic in my world lately.

I'm really trying hard to get hours at work without reaching total burnout. Burnout is WAY too easy at my job. It's stressful and rough. But for every night that is absolutely terrible, I feel ever so slightly more inclined to stick around. I'm determined to not be one of those people that can't take the heat after only a month. Then again, I really do have to make sure I don't take it overboard. I've had to be there a lot lately because of trainings and the like, but the only day I didn't go in since I started was the day I called in sick with one of the worst migraines on the face of the Earth.

Migraines can eat my shorts. I don't like you, so go away.

Updates on everything else?

I haven't taken many photos lately; some, but not many. That is why I haven't done the Friday Photos like I should be. I promise, there will be some soon, and plenty to make up for all of April that I missed.

The wedding is in just about 100 days! How ridiculous is that? This weekend, the Love is stayin with family because he had to be at Drill this weekend. I've really come to believe that he is THE BEST support system I could ever dream of. Through all the difficult transitions to work, he has totally been there. Complete with ice cream! What a doll!! I know that I've also been totally stressed out and he always calms me down, holds my hand, and hugs me til I'm back on Earth. I can't say how much he truly means to me. As silly as it sounds, I'm almost near tears since he's not here this weekend. I've really grown comfortable to him being here.

But as for wedding related things... I've purchased shoes I think I'll like. Luckily, if I don't like them with THE DRESS like I thought I would, I can take them back and get the second option. I'm just happy I've found a few different options. I also ordered the paper for all the invites. Which means.... I'm going to be asking for lots of help in about a week. Be prepared for a phone call. Fair warning.

What I really NEED to do, is call the seamstress that is making the bridesmaid dresses. I have to get on that pretty quick actually. Monday, maybe? But everything seems to be falling pretty well into place. Yay for that!

We've also got our honeymoon all picked out. I can't say that it is all set up yet, but we've got a resort in Costa Rica that we'll be going to right after the wedding festivities. :-D

I'm just hoping that I'll be able to take time off before the wedding, not only to relax, but to heal all the bruises I seem to constantly be getting. Silly. Just plain silly.

That's it for now... and remember kids, enjoy the sunny weather!