Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Keeping Busy

One thing about winter...  It makes you think about all the things you want to go do the rest of the year because sitting at home with the freezing wind blowing outside is just plain....  restless.

Tonight, while procrastinating on some household chores, I opened up some photos from my last vacation with Love.  We had a WONDERFUL road trip that took us to half a dozen State and National Parks.  I think the thing I like the most, second to finding all the amazing things to photograph, is being able to just exist outdoors and be almost completely disconnected from the rest of the world.  I don't even mind the no showers bit.

I'll definitely share more, but here's a couple photos I love from 2010's trip:

Friday, January 7, 2011

I Know You've Got A Treat Somewhere

Seeing that I took several months off on a blogging hiatus, that doesn't mean I wasn't busy.  Right?  Well, maybe not, but either way, I'm back.

I've seen a lot of people make resolutions, bucket lists for the new year, or generally just want to live or make their lives better.  I thought about doing that as well, but then changed my mind.  Yes, I want to eat healthier, work out, make something worthwhile out of my year, but really, I just want to be happy.

And I am.  I have a wonderful, and loving husband, a cute puppy that ALWAYS makes me feel loved too, a parrot that isn't always as loving, and we are healthy, happy, and content.  Isn't that what matters? 

Most resolutions fade after the first week, month, etc, because it isn't always easy to get to the gym, make time to read 10,000 pages, or get on a game show, but one that I enjoy, is to add a photo each week of something in my world.  "Life In Black And White" was fun...  But I'm going to add color this year.

Don't forget to add color to your year too!