Friday, April 17, 2009


So this is a conversation while out on the playground at work:

Kiddo: (bounces up to me and other staff) It smells like something is burning!!

(Everyone sniffs the air)

Staff 1: Yeah, it does.

Kiddo: It smells like burning tomato soup!

Me: Tomato soup?

Kiddo: Yeah! I love tomato soup. Except when it is burning. And then it NOT my favorite at all. But unburnt tomato soup is my favorite.

Staff 1: I think it smells like burnt toast.

Kiddo: Hahaha! It is NOT burnt toast! Silly. Why would it smell like burnt toast outside?!

Staff 1: Hmm. I guess I don't know.

(Kiddo bounces away)

Me: And it is more likely that it smells like burnt tomato soup than burnt toast...? I would have just said that someone was grilling.

For some reason, this was so funny to the kiddo. Why in the world would it smell like burnt toast outside....? You never eat toast outside.... LOL! We got a good laugh out of this. Thought I'd share.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Not Forgotten

I've been a slacker. My bad.

But I have a really good excuse this time. I was working. At a real job.

Things have been slightly chaotic this last week or so. I'm really trying to settle into a nice routine, but I think it is just going to take a little time. I've put in a full week at my job and I still don't know what to say about it. It's different than I expected, but at the same time, I expected that it would be different than anything I could imagine. So, maybe I'm right where I should be.

I took some time tonight (my evening off) and went in to work on some trainings that I was supposed to have completed last week, but didn't have access to. As I went in, I just stopped by the community to ask a few questions, and the place was silent. I was totally impressed. Then a few random people asked me for hugs, which kind of surprised me. Should I be looking for a "kick me" sign on my back now? Maybe there was just a good night, which makes me proud of them. Two thumbs up!

And yes, I know I didn't do my Friday Photo. I'll make it up this week hopefully. Right now, though, it's time for bed. Another early morning!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Sad Face

I will never look at a teddy bear the same again.

I'm mending abused bear #2 tonight. Sad face.

The Human Wall

I have a new job. Or occupation, depending on how you look at it. I'd like to think this is going to be more that just a "job". And I would like to challenge anyone who thinks they have a stressful job. I knew going into this, that it wasn't going to be a easy venture. I knew that for all the crap I've seen in my life, it wouldn't even begin to compare to the situations these others have been in.

Boy, was I right. I'm constantly amazed; at the history, the effect, the progress and the hope.

Sometimes it is hard to see the "big picture" of our own lives because we are constantly stuck in the problems we have at the moment. We have hopes and dreams, but they get covered by what we feel is reality at the time and it is hard to imagine the possibilities that are out there for us and the changes we are capable of.

The other part of this is that I'm proud for those people that are making the effort to seriously correct the negatives in their own lives. Kudos. You inpire me.

So, I guess my new goal isn't just to be along for the ride and let people recognize that dreams are possible, but to inspire the success in effort and pride in adversity.

Oh, and my attempt at being a human wall did not impress anyone.