Friday, January 29, 2010


Yesterday was a pretty great day that didn't include any projects. Or at least, not really. After a successful work-out at the gym with my husband, he went off to work and I went and enjoyed some much needed girl time. We went to a spa and got PEDICURES! I don't frequently have people do my nails for me because I feel I can adequately do them myself most of the time. Yet sometimes, it is TOTALLY worth it to go out and enjoy a little pampering.

Afterward, we went to this quaint little (or not really so little because there were about a million people waiting to be seated) restaurant for dinner. Now, I've definitely heard stories about how good the food is, etc., etc. I'm not sure why, but I just never decided to eat there until last night. IT.WAS.AMAZING. They had an eclectic, small menu, but it had some good choices on it that sounded wonderful. I ended up picking a burger and chips. WOW. One of the greatest burgers of all time.

As for projects, I didn't get much done yesterday, like I said. A couple nights ago, I'd remembered a tutorial I saw while web-browsing and decided to do that for more flair in the dining room, but once I started, I realized that I'd need my husband to help with the spray paint. So, that might wait until he's got time on the weekend.

But that didn't stop him from waking me up this morning so I could help him with a project he's been bugging me to do. I'm not gonna lie, I'm kind of impressed with his ingeniousness, but it took me awhile to figure out what he meant and where he needed things stitched. And this is what he came up with; a tactical tourniquet.

It has a cinch buckle on one end with a clip sewn in about an inch away. On the strap, there is a floating "D" ring and then a sewn in "D" ring as a stopper through the cinch.

As in his example, once you get the tourniquet in place and cinched on, you can tighten it by moving the floating "D" ring close to the clip, twist to tighten and lock with the buckle.

Well, now that THAT project is temporarily finished, I'll go back to working on a baby quilt. P.S. I also bought more fabric and am excited for what it is going to turn into!

I have a rapidly growing "To Do" list of projects. Next up will be to finish a couple of things I've started, design and construct a rifle ammo case for my husband, make myself a Christmas stocking, and finally make a tote bag of some kind. I'm excited for that!

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