Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I haven't had much to show for the last couple of weeks. It has all been about getting things done that NEEDED to get done. Another part of not writing is spending time with Love, and then I get distracted, and never get anything done. Meh, I'd rather spend time with him.

Spring is definitely in the air and it shows around our house. This past weekend, after spending some time with great friends and great food, we started to springify our lives.

Love is definitely a birder, so the birdfeeders have been moved to a new location and are back in action! Last year, we had them in our front garden, but it made it REALLY hard to keep the garden under control, so they've been moved to the backyard.

The garden has been started! Not the outside one, but the inside one. I've gotten our herb garden started and hopefully I'll have better luck with it than last year. Last year, the garden was an epic fail. I have to laugh because when the neighbor lady saw me out in the front garden last spring, she ran over to introduce herself and gush about how it has been YEARS since someone made this yard look pretty. The joke was on her because I've got NO green thumbs and the entire garden [read: flower garden] was the biggest weed patch I've ever seen.

This year, we're hoping to plant some perennial wildflowers in the front flower garden and try a few tomatoes, peppers, and peas on the side. We'll see what happens...

The nice weather also gave me the opportunity to head outside and finish spray painting the empty picture frames I want to put in the dining room to finish it off. I've been waiting and waiting to get that done. That project has been sitting on the floor STARING at me; begging me to finish it. Frames painted: check! Paint dried: pending!

Lastly, I was asked if I would provide one of my photographs to an auction to raise money for a mission group that is headed to Africa. This is the same mission group that I REALLY wanted to be a part of last fall, but didn't have the time or funding to make it work. I would still LOVE to go, but this is the best way that I can support them right now. And just to show how much I'd love to give them what I could, I am sending three matted and signed photographs in the mail tomorrow. I hope they go to great homes!

Other than that, random chores keep me busy. I am anxiously preparing the house for our new puppy. Have I said that I'm SUPER EXCITED about it?!

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